Sept. 24, 1985
Dear S____,
Thank you for the beautiful flowers! I can't tell you how touched we were to have you remember us on the anniversary of C_____'s death. It was a difficult week for us all, but made easier by the concern and thoughtfulness of family and friends like you.
We had a lovely summer at the cottage in Michigan, made even nicer in July when the N. J. court decided to award custody of Z____ to us. It was an unpleasant time that when J____ opposed us as he "doesn't believe in lawyers or court." He wanted us to take care of Z_____, but without custody. We finally felt uncomfortable with that (often we don't even have an address for J_____) and felt we needed some legal backing.
Z____ is happy in first grade, playing on a co-ed soccer team, taking piano lessons, and making good friends. He read The Wonderful Wizard of Oz this summer (yes, even before first grade!) -- he's exceptionally bright.
B__ has volunteered to be an assistant soccer coach and I spend every other Monday afternoon as a volunteer worker in Z____'s school library.
B__'s job ended at the end of August when Montgomery Ward went out of the catalogue business. He still spends about four days a week in New York at an out-placement service -- or having lunch with ex-colleagues -- or (yesterday) at the unemployment office! He may just decide to retire for good, but who knows ---
We hope to travel to Australia and New Zealand in March. In early February, A____ and L__ expect their first baby -- a little Aussie! Our 7th grandchild.
Thank you again for your thoughtfulness. Come and visit -- everyone should hit New York sometime!
Love to you and your family,
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