Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A00001 - Once Upon A Time

    Once upon a time, there was a boy whose spirit left him to be with God.  Upon being received by God, the boy found his spirit confined to a dark place where there were no stars and there was no hope.  There was only permanent darkness.  It was a form of Hell, a place where the boy did not want to be. 

    The boy lamented his fate of being brought to Hell and cried out to God to take him away from this most tragic fate.

    God heard the boy's lamentation and brought the boy out of the Hell.  God brought the boy to a form of Heaven, a place where the boy did not belong.  

    The boy saw that this form of Heaven was an ethereal place filled with angelic entities and people who adhered to a limited believe in God.  In this form of Heaven, only those who believed in one form of worship and one form of religious belief were allowed to stay.  It was beautiful in this form of Heaven, but the boy had already begun to question the notion of religious uniformity as being a requisite to be in Heaven.  Instead, the boy believed that an existence in such a place of uniformity for all eternity was not where his soul wanted to be. 

    So, the boy once again cried out to God and pleaded to God to take his spirit to a place where there would be diversity of thought and diversity of life and diversity of religious practice. God heard this plea.  So, God took the boy's spirit to a place beyond the universe.  

    From this vantage point, the boy could see that the universe was far different than he had ever imagined.  It was by seeing the universe that the boy's world was changed. 



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