Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A00005 - Tao Te Ching

     For many years after being shown the Universe of Light, the Boy would search to find some validation for what he saw.  After all, the Universe as depicted by Science tends to be composed of vast Empty Spaces only occasionally occupied by Galaxies and Stars. But this was not the Universe that the Boy saw. 

    Not until some fifty years later would the Boy learn about the Way -- the Tao Te Ching.  The Tao Te Ching embodies the search for a way of life based not on arbitrary rules of morality but on achieving harmony with all things. In the Tao Te Ching, the Boy found an understanding of the essential oneness of the Universe, that Cosmic Energy -- ch'i -- flows within and around us without ceasing, and that wisdom consists not in acting upon the World in order to change it, but in finding and following the Way -- the Tao.

    Unfortunately, it would take over fifty years for the Boy to discover this.  These pages chronicle the Boy's Journey of Discovery. 

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