Thursday, May 23, 2024

A00006 - Dark Energy and the Born Again Universe

     In recent years, much has been said about the presence of Dark Energy and the role it plays in our Universe. At present, Scientists do not know what Dark Energy is and have not directly seen it.  At best, what is known is that the Expansion of the Universe continues to increase long after the initial Big Bang gave Birth to the Universe. 

    For the Boy, the existence of the Dark Energy is consistent with the Boy's observation of a Universe filled with Light and with the Light being Life.  

    For Scientists, there is the stark realization that in time the Galaxies and the Stars will become increasingly distant from one another until the Day comes when the entire Universe will succumb to the Force of the Dark Energy and Die.

    However, for the Boy, the Day that the Universe Dies will not be the End.  The Dark Energy -- the Unseen Light and Life -- will continue to exist.  And from the Dark Energy that remains after the Universe has seemingly died, there will be a Re-Birth and a New Universe will return.

    In Essence, the Universe that we know today will, like so many of those who tap into the Energy of the Universe, seemingly die only to actually one day be Born Again. 

    In the Universe Revealed by the God Who was with the Boy, nothing ever dies.  All that is, and ever shall be, will rise again.

    And that includes, this Universe.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A00005 - Tao Te Ching

     For many years after being shown the Universe of Light, the Boy would search to find some validation for what he saw.  After all, the Universe as depicted by Science tends to be composed of vast Empty Spaces only occasionally occupied by Galaxies and Stars. But this was not the Universe that the Boy saw. 

    Not until some fifty years later would the Boy learn about the Way -- the Tao Te Ching.  The Tao Te Ching embodies the search for a way of life based not on arbitrary rules of morality but on achieving harmony with all things. In the Tao Te Ching, the Boy found an understanding of the essential oneness of the Universe, that Cosmic Energy -- ch'i -- flows within and around us without ceasing, and that wisdom consists not in acting upon the World in order to change it, but in finding and following the Way -- the Tao.

    Unfortunately, it would take over fifty years for the Boy to discover this.  These pages chronicle the Boy's Journey of Discovery. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

A00004 - Coincidences

     All during the life of the Boy, the Boy would experience what most People would call Coincidences.  However, for the Boy, there was no such word.  For the Boy, whenever a seeming "coincidence" occurred, the Boy would simply see an act of God.  For the Boy, the frequent coincidences that occurred in the Boy's life were simply beneficial acts of God and the Boy would greet such acts with a smile.   

A00003 - A Universe of Light

     The Universe that the God with the Boy showed the Boy was not the Universe that People think they know.  The Universe that the God with the Boy showed the Boy was a Universe shaped like an Egg.  But unlike the Universe that People think they know, the Universe that the God with the Boy showed the Boy was filled with Light and the Light was Life. There was no Great Emptiness in the Universe that the God with the Boy showed the Boy.  Instead, the Universe that the God with the Boy showed the Boy was completely filled with Light and the Light that filled the Universe that the God with Boy showed the Boy was Life. Since the God with the Boy is the Light, and since the God with the Boy is also Universal Life, then the Universe that the God with the Boy showed the Boy was filled not only with the Light but also with Life. Thus, the Light that Permeates the Universe was also the Life that Permeates the Universe.  The Universal Light was also Universal Life.

    The Boy was amazed by what he saw, but he did not understand.  It would be many years before he began to fully comprehend the wonders that he had seen.  Nevertheless, the Boy did recognize that the Divine Vision of the Universal Light accompanied by the Divine Vision of the Universal Life was a Revelation from God.

     The Boy was overwhelmed.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

A00002 - God

     The God Who showed the Boy the three Options was not the God of the Hebrews.  This God was not a God that had a Chosen People.  This God was a God of the Universe or maybe even a God of the Universes.  Indeed, this God was the God of All Creation ... and of All Creatures ... and of All Peoples ... and of All Beings ... and of All Planets ... and of All Stars ... and of All Galaxies ... and of All Universes ... and of All Dimensions ... and of All Time.  This God had no favorite people.  This God was not the Hebrew God.

    The God Who showed the Boy the three Options was not the Christian God.  This God had no Corporeal Son.  Indeed, this God was not Corporeal at all. This God was more like the God described in the movie The Ten Commandments.  In that movie, Moses goes up to Mount Sinai and meets with God.  When he returns, Moses tells Zephora and Joshua that the God that he met on the mountaintop did not speak directly to him but rather that God revealed God's Word to Moses' mind and the Words that came into Moses' mind was God. 

    In the movie, Moses then goes on to say that God is not Flesh but is Spirit -- the Light of Eternal Mind. And Moses goes further by saying that God's Light is in Every Man.  The Moses of The Ten Commandments was prescient but not comprehensive.  The God that was with the Boy is not only the Light in Every Man ... and the Light in Every Woman ... and the Light in Every Child ... and the Light in Every Creature ... and the Light in Every Plant ... and the Light in Every Rock ... and the Light in Every Planet ... and the Light in Every Star ... and the Light in Every Galaxy ... and the Light in Every Universe ... and the Light in Every Dimension ... and the Light in Every Time  This was not the Christian God. 

    The God with the Boy was not a God limited by Time or Space.  The God with the Boy was the God of All Peoples and as a God of All Peoples this God could choose whatever Prophets were necessary.  So, the God with the Boy could never be limited by the notion of one of God's Prophets being the Last Prophet.  For the God of all Eternity, Prophets would continue to arise until the End of Time.

    That is the Nature of the God with the Boy. 


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A00001 - Once Upon A Time

    Once upon a time, there was a boy whose spirit left him to be with God.  Upon being received by God, the boy found his spirit confined to a dark place where there were no stars and there was no hope.  There was only permanent darkness.  It was a form of Hell, a place where the boy did not want to be. 

    The boy lamented his fate of being brought to Hell and cried out to God to take him away from this most tragic fate.

    God heard the boy's lamentation and brought the boy out of the Hell.  God brought the boy to a form of Heaven, a place where the boy did not belong.  

    The boy saw that this form of Heaven was an ethereal place filled with angelic entities and people who adhered to a limited believe in God.  In this form of Heaven, only those who believed in one form of worship and one form of religious belief were allowed to stay.  It was beautiful in this form of Heaven, but the boy had already begun to question the notion of religious uniformity as being a requisite to be in Heaven.  Instead, the boy believed that an existence in such a place of uniformity for all eternity was not where his soul wanted to be. 

    So, the boy once again cried out to God and pleaded to God to take his spirit to a place where there would be diversity of thought and diversity of life and diversity of religious practice. God heard this plea.  So, God took the boy's spirit to a place beyond the universe.  

    From this vantage point, the boy could see that the universe was far different than he had ever imagined.  It was by seeing the universe that the boy's world was changed.