Monday, April 22, 2013

Reflections on the Rapture

(This was first written on May 20, 2011)

Here, in California, there are a number of billboards posted proclaiming tomorrow to be the Day of Judgment, the Day of the Rapture, or the Day that Jesus Returns.  If tomorrow is the Day of the Rapture, and if Jesus chooses to take me to Heaven, then I will do my best to put in a good word for all of you to be taken up with us.
If Jesus comes tomorrow and decides that I should stay and that you should go, then I would ask that you put in a good word for me upstairs and that the powers that be be asked to reconsider their decision for all of us who are left behind.
On the other hand, if Jesus does not come back tomorrow, or in our lifetime, or ever, or if Jesus was merely a man and not the Son of God, then I hope to be with you again tomorrow (or Monday) and I pray that I will still be working towards bringing about the Kingdom of Heaven  -- to the best of my ability helping to make our Heaven here on Earth.
Peace, and one way or another, I look forward to seeing you again after tomorrow.

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