Tuesday, April 16, 2013

John Coltrane, The Boston Tragedy, and My Favorite Things

One of my favorite movies of all time is The Sound of Music.  I have always enjoyed the music and one of the truly special moments in the movie is when all seven of the Trapp children find themselves in Sister Maria's bedroom mostly because the majority of them are frightened by a thunderstorm.  It is at that time of turbulence that Sister Maria calms the children's nerves by singing to them about how she deals with her fears by thinking about her favorite things.  Julie Andrews' singing "My Favorite Things" is a treasured childhood memory.  What a pleasure I subsequently had many years later to learn that one of the truly great jazz musicians had transformed "My Favorite Things" into a jazz classic long before Julie Andrews sang the song in the movies.  In light of the events of yesterday in Boston, I offer you John Coltrane's "My Favorite Things" and hope that it helps you to similarly take your minds off your fears and that it takes you to a place of 



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