Thursday, March 7, 2013

Skylar Diggins and the Coarsening of the Web

Once upon a time, back in the days when I was in high school, one would venture into a boys restroom and invariably find crude statements written on the restroom walls. Occasionally, those crude statements would be about a girl or two that happened to be at the school. For the most part, those crude statements remained in the restroom waiting the day when an enterprising janitor would come along and scrub them away.

However, today we live in the age of the internet, and the crude statements that once were confined to the boys restroom appear to be quite common on the medium of today. Most of the time, we simply ignore the crud that exists. But I wonder if the pervasiveness of this medium and the crud that exists on it does not ultimately affect us all.

Case in point is the recent controversy over Skylar Diggins. For those of you who do not follow women's collegiate basketball, Skylar Diggins is the premier player on the highly ranked Notre Dame Women's Basketball team. She also happens to be a very attractive young lady. Somewhere, some individual decided to post some nude photos on the internet that many attributed to be of Ms. Diggins. To her credit, she has categorically refuted that the photos are of her. But still, as the father of three young women, there is something about this sordid affair that enrages me.

Perhaps I am once again showing my age, but how can one have high hopes for this medium when it is so easily used for such antics as this? Is this a better world that we are making, or simply a world that is more profane?

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